Channel Permissions

Channel Permissions

Channel Staff

Channels allow for granular control of content creation permissions by defining user roles. The channel staff will be the list of trusted users to whom you delegated these user roles.
There are currently four roles that a user may take:
  1. Administrator A trusted user who can manage all content and users, as well as channel settings.
  2. Editor - Can invite and manage other Authors and Contributors, as well as edit and publish any channel content.
  3. Author - A trusted user who can create, edit and publish their own content, but can't modify others.
  4. Contributor - Can create and edit their own content but cannot publish. An Editor needs to approve and publish them.
For an overview of the permissions of each role, please refer to the table in the Permission Matrix section below.

Managing staff

To view and manage a channel's staff, go to the Staff section in the channel settings page.
Here, you can view the role of each user, as well as change their role or remove them from the staff.
All channels should have at least one administrator to ensure that there is moderation of the channel.

To add a user to the channel staff, click add staff and a modal will appear, letting you choose the user and their role.

Since Multi Channels do not allow for content creation, the only role allowed is "Administrator".

Default channel permission

If you want to open content creation to all users, you can use the Default Role setting. This will be the role applied to all users who have not been specified in the staff list.
To let everyone publish content in the channel, you can set the default role to "Author".
To let everyone submit content for approval, you can set the default role to "Contributor".
To only let the staff members create content, you can set the default role to "None".
InfoCorporate Channels cannot have a default role. Users must be in the staff to create content.

Team channels

In team channels, the channel staff works mostly the same. There are two main differences to public channels:
  1. When a user is added to the staff, they will also be added as a member of the channel if they aren't already
  2. The default role only applies to the members of the channel, not all users of the portal

Permission matrix

Create Content
Edit Content
Their own
Their own
Publish Content
Their own
Approve Content
Manage Staff
Contributors and Authors
Manage Media
Manage Comments
Manage Channel

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