Introduction to Channels

Introduction to Channels

Channels are the core of your portal's information organization. They serve as hubs for information on the topics you want to promote and discuss.

Channels can be used for many different things:
  1. Sharing company news and events
  2. Organizing work documents and policies
  3. Welcoming new team members
  4. Promoting company benefits

Creating Channels

Only Global Admins or Scope Admins can create channels
To create a channel follow the steps below:
  1. On the top right side of the screen, click on the "Create" button
  2. From the dropdown menu, choose the option "Channel"
  3. Here you can configure the channel settings.

Channel Types

There are four channel types that you can use:
  1. Public - These channels are accessible to everyone and can be used for different types of communication.
    1. Examples: Sharing & Learning, Sustainability
  2. Corporate - Corporate channels serve "official" channels, and are highlighted to distinguish their content from the rest.
    1. Examples: Company Policies, Company News
  3. Team Channel - Team channels have members, and only their members can view its content. People can request access or be added to the channel by administrators.
    1. Examples:
      1. Departments - HR, Sales, Marketing, etc...
      2. Clubs - Chess Club, Running Club, Reading Club, etc...
      3. Events - Foosball tournament, Team gathering
  4. Multi Channel - Multi channels allow you to organize content from multiple channels into a single feed.
    1. Examples: News - aggregates all channels with news about the organization's life
For help choosing the channel type answer the following questions
  1. Do you want the content to be available to everyone?
    1. No - Choose a Team Channel to limit content access to users within the channel
    2. Yes - Move to next question.
  2. Do you want to publish content or organize content from other channels into a central place?
    1. Organize content - choose a Multi Channel to centralize content from chosen channels
    2. Publish content - Move to next question.
  3. Does the content you want to publish have an official/corporate motive, or is it more optional (e.g. for fun, informal comms, etc.)
    1. Corporate - choose a Corporate channel to highlight official communication
    2. Optional - choose a Public channel.
  4. If your content does not match any of these questions, a Public channel is likely recommended. However, feel free to reach out to our support team for ideas.

Main Components

The main components let you build the channel's page as you see fit. Use these to customize the channel's landing page and adapt it to your needs.

Frequent Questions

Frequent questions allow you to create an FAQ section for your channel, where you can answer common questions users may have about information from the channels.
These will display on the right side of the channel page with each question being expandable.

Advanced Settings

In the advanced settings you will have two options:
  1. Display on the site's sidebar - If activated, the channel will be added as a sticky channel to the navigation siderbar. Use this if this channel is frequently accessed
  2. Hide from the recent articles section on the homepage - If activated, the articles published on this channel will not be displayed on the recent articles in the homepage.


The channel staff manages the user permissions on the channel. You can set whether you want everyone to create content or just some people, as well as require admin approval to publish articles.

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